Practical tips for parents suspecting an Autism Diagnosis
Finding out my little Bry, my first-born, had Autism was heartbreaking. I had suspected he was on the spectrum since he was about a year old, but I was hoping all the scary signs I watched him exhibit would go away. He wasn’t pointing or clapping, he was minimally verbal, he loved to play with tires of toy cars, and he flapped his hands when excited. I stayed up late at night browsing autism websites, obsessing over the signs of autism, language delay and genius children with strange behavior, hoping that he was the latter two. Sometimes, I was convinced that Brian had Autism only to relent seconds later and tell myself that he was just a very smart child with language delay. This was the bittersweet torture I put myself through day and night for almost a year after my initial suspicion. Finally, I decide to seek a professional diagnosis. I live in Nigeria and our health system is not equipped to provide international standard developmental assessment or intellectual disability su...