
Showing posts from September, 2021

Only time is REAL with Autism

When you have a child on the Autism spectrum, time moves really fast. It's one challenge after another, and as you deal you almost forget that your child is growing and learning and becoming. Sometimes I get caught up just trying to impart a new skill to my son, and before I know it, tada! Another birthday has come and gone. Brian is 6years old now and It's been almost 2 years since my last blog. So what's been holding me back? Nothing! Well, between COVID and homeschooling 2 children while I juggle a full time job , the home front and probono work in the disability space, absolutely nothing! It was just life and struggles and time passing by. I better slow it down, YOU better slow it down because before we know it our children are teenagers, then adults and we wonder where the time has gone and how we missed everything trying to impart skills! So I've decided to try something new to cheat time, I’ve decided to spend just 5 minutes a day everyday cherishing a momen...